Urban Conference

Resident Surveys

News Upload Date: 30th October,2023

Doorstep Survey Conducted In Local Area

The building of the new Ulster University Campus at YorkStreet including its associated constructions such as Frederick Street carpark and student accommodation tower blocks has caused profound life- changing impacts on residents living nearby. Since the beginnings of the construction phase the Ashton Community Trust has worked closely with local residents to help alleviate some of these problems.

Doorstep Survey

While the lived experience of local people up until now has largely been one of disruption and upset, most people now acknowledge that the new University is here to stay and is a living reality that everyone must come to terms with. It is against this backdrop that the local residents group LARG with the support of the Ashton Community Trust and New Lodge Housing Forum conducted a doorstep survey to gather current opinions Residents living in the immediate area close to the University bounded by York Street, Frederick Street, North Queen Street and Great Georges Street were asked their views about a range of issues. Out of the 120 households in the vicinity there was a 40% participation in the survey.  (For further details see article below).

Pages from Ashton Community Magazine.

Ashton Community Survey Report

Impacts of Development and Involvement in the Community (2019).

Purpose of the Community Survey

In the last few years people living in Inner North Belfast have experienced major construction projects including the Ulster University York Street campus and several purpose-built student accommodation developments. There are also ongoing plans by the Department of Infrastructure to develop a £130-165 Million York Street Interchange (YSI) scheme. In response to these ongoing and proposed developments a community survey was designed to:

- Get a better understanding of the needs, issues and concerns of the community;

- Enable residents to bring forward their own ideas and solutions; 

- Encourage greater community activism and volunteering in response to these issues.