Belfast Thrives

Belfast Thrives Project

News Upload Date: 13th December, 2023

'Belfast Thrives' video.  New collaboration project which examines how the City Centre can be improved, inclusive and innovative place for future generations.

Belfast Thrives

Belfast THRI[VES] is a pilot collaboration between Ulster University’s Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment, the School of Psychology, and Bamford Centre for Mental Health & Wellbeing, working with Partners from Belfast City Council and The Department for Infrastructure. It examines how the City Centre can be an improved, inclusive, and innovative place for future generations. It also investigates the role of public-private engagement to reframe wellbeing-based criteria and more effectively connect statutory and tactical regeneration process to more informal bottom-up evidence-based considerations that can collectively address and develop innovative solutions to tackle health, climate-change, and socio-economic stresses. Project Report