Regeneration News

Community Garden Project

News Upload Date: 27th March, 2024

'Plant & Grow Your Own Food'!

The 'Seed 2 Plate' Youth Project

This is an Ashton & New Lodge Arts led project. The Seed "2" Plate project for young people aged 11-14.  "Through this project we aim to teach young people how to plant and grow their own produce. Our aim is empower young people to better their heath and wellbeing through gardening".

Are you interested in:

- Starting your own community garden?

- Meeting new friends?

- Growing, maintaining and eating your own produce?

- Free Seed 2 Plate t-shirt.

- Team trips

Limited spaced available, please sign up quick!

Victims Payment Scheme

News Upload Date: 2nd March, 2024

The Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme

The Purpose Of The Scheme

To provide those living with permanent disablement (either physical or psychological) caused by injury through no fault of their own in a Troubles -related incident with payments primarily in acknowledgement of the acute harm which they have suffered.

The Scheme will also provide a measure of recognition of the implications of living with a permanent disablement caused by a serious Troubles-related injury and the associated impact of such disablement on carers often family members) and recognition that in many cases coping with disablement caused by the serious injury had an adverse impact on individuals and their families. 


Under Section 10 of the Northern Ireland Act 2019, the UK Government was required to bring forward legislation providing for a scheme of payments to those living with injuries sustained in Troubles/Conflict-related incidents.

The Victims’ Payment Regulations 2020 were duly laid before Parliament on 31 January by NIO. The Scheme established by these Regulations is to be known as the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme. The Executive Office (TEO) is responsible for taking forward the implementation of the Victims’ Payment Regulations 2020.

On the 24 August 2020, TEO designated the Department of Justice (DoJ) to exercise the administrative functions of the Victims’ Payment Board on the Board’s behalf.

The Victim's Payment Board

The Victims’ Payments Board was established in February 2021. The Board is headed by a President appointed by the Lord Chief Justice, and will consist of a number of members including legal, medical and ordinary members. The purpose of the Board is to determine applications under the Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme (also referred to as the Victims’ Payments Scheme). Members will also have responsibility as members of the Victims’ Payments Board to assist the President with corporate governance responsibilities such as policy development, financial and risk management. 

Application Support & Information

Below are information links and leaflets providing further information on the scheme and how to apply.

Council's Regeneration Proposal

News Upload Date: 29th January, 2024

Lancaster Area Regeneration Proposal

Belfast City Council Regeneration Team have a design team appointed who are looking to bring Lancaster Street proposals forward in conjunction with the works to LYS-LPS i.e. as one tender package and one contractor.  They would like to present regeneration proposal drawings to local stakeholders and local residents.

See below for the proposal document information provided by the Belfast City Council Regeneration Team.

Proposal Objectives

Objectives – Declutter and Personalise

Zone 1 – Pedestrian entrance to Lancaster Street from York Street, c100m2.

Zone 2 – Segregated space to Lancaster Street Car Park, c 85m2.

Zone 3 – High Level Security fencing, c40m.

Regeneration Zones

Ariel View Lancaster Area/ York Street.

Regeneration Zones

Ariel View Lancaster Area/ York Street.

Zone 1 - Pedestrian entrance to Lancaster Street from York Street.

Zone 1 – Pedestrian entrance to Lancaster Street from York Street, c100m2. Create gateway entrance point to Lancaster Street, by:

Replacing existing brick paving with natural stone paving (as per Little Patrick/Little York Street Proposals).

Removal of brick planter.

Relocation of BT Pole.

Removal/amendments to low level curved wall (pending landowner agreement) to remove potential dwell space.

Removal of low level demarcation brick wall and demarcate land ownerships boundary via pavement detail.

Level adjustment/localised retaining solution to provide uniform levels.

Re-set of existing utility covers.

Mural opportunity for (grey) gable wall (pending community consultation).

Mural opportunity for brick wall (pending community consultation).

Traffic restriction solutions via bollards/art work (pending community consultation).

Zone 2 - Segregated space to Lancaster Street Car Park.

Zone 2 – Segregated space to Lancaster Street Car Park, c 85m2. Removing segregation and maximise future public realm space by:

Removal of heras fencing demarcating public footpath (presumed DfI Roads ownership) and Belfast City Council owned land within carpark.

Re-establish demarcation in pavement make up (e.g., pin kerb).

Re-surface hard standing in asphalt / traditional pavement make-up (future proofing for the instance of future strategic road improvements).

Replace existing bollards with new bollards / art work (pending community consultation).

Mural opportunity for brick wall (pending community consultation).

Zone 3 - High Level Security fencing.

Zone 3 – High Level Security fencing, c40m. Removing segregation and maximise future public realm space by:

Replace security fencing to top of brick wallin consultation with landowners / residents. Materiality TBC.

The proposal information shown has been provided by the Belfast City Council Regeneration Team.

Local Regeneration

 Regeneration Projects of the local neighbourhood

Regeneration Ideas

Ideas put forward to improve the local area.

Suggested Ideas

Ideas put forward to improve the local area.

Grey To Green

Ashton Garden Grid Strategy

As part of our ongoing efforts to regenerate the local neighbourhood we want to tackle and manage issues of blight and neglect at different problem locations in the area. We have already identified a number of these locations and ultimately want to create a ‘grid’ of improved spaces. By applying co-design principles we intend that these spaces will be developed, maintained and managed in partnership with local residents. In the process we want to stimulate and support wider planting and growing projects within the area incorporating schools, community/youth centres, front gardens and small communal areas. This would include the growing of food for local consumption. planting/growing allotments, etc.

Operational Hub

To make all of this happen we are busy transforming a once derelict space at Clifton Street/Henry Place with the intention of establishing a central operational hub there. We have already put a container in place to be used as a base. Recently with the help of Groundwork NI and a number of local volunteers we have been clearing this site of dense bramble and dead vegetation in preparation for a planting area. Building on our established group of volunteers we hope to increase the numbers involved. Our vision is that this core site will act as an accessible garden resource for the wider community, eventually becoming equipped with all the relevant tools and materials needed. 

For further information contact Mark Hackett or phone 02890742255.

Urban Conference Event

News Upload Date: 3rd November, 2023

Inner North Belfast Urban Conference

Mark Hackett giving keynote presentation at the Conference.

What lies in store for the next decade in inner North Belfast?

Weaving residents lessons learnt in midst of the construction around the University campus, this conference showcases a holistic urban vision where grass roots process meets the strategic. The city is held back by delayed and damaging road infrastructure projects - we present realistic solutions. The Garden Grid beginning at the micro level builds a resilient network of underused and wasted areas. Linking all of this work can evolve into a North Belfast Greenway.

The conference took place on Wednesday the 29th Nov 2023 from 10am to 1pm at Redeemer Central, 101 Donegall Street Belfast.

Land For Sale

News Upload Date: 26th October, 2023

Locals To Endure Even More Building Work!

Local residents have become aware today that land on the corner of Frederick Street and North Queens Street is currently up for sale!  The land on site of the previous Saint Patricks Church Hall has appeared online for redevelopment 2 weeks ago.  (Below are details and photographs as described on the website).

"The subject site is prominently located on the corner of North Queen Street and Frederick Street and in close proximity to the new Ulster University campus. In addition, the site is situated in close proximity to several student accommodation developments.  The subject land comprises a rare opportunity to acquire a prominent corner site with obvious development potential.  The site previously housed a Church hall but is now laid in tarmacadam and hardcore. The site extends to c. 0.6 acres (0.24 ha).  Prominent corner site with development potential".  

LARG will keep an close eye on progress and any further developments over the coming weeks and months on this local impact story. 

Regeneration Team Meeting

News Upload Date: 27th December, 2023

Discussion Invite To Local Residents

Belfast City Council Regeneration Team have a design team appointed who are looking to bring Lancaster Street proposals forward in conjunction with the works to LYS-LPS i.e. as one tender package and one contractor.  They would like to present regeneration proposal drawings to local stakeholders and local residents.

Belfast City Council would be keen to meet with local residents to discuss in room BD-04-027 on the Ulster University campus building from 4pm on Thursday 25 January for local residents to meet with the council's regeneration team.