Latest News

Junction Works

News Upload Date: 21st October, 2024

Latest Update

At Fredrick Street/ York Street 

Latest updated received from DFI is that the road crossings works will commence this week during the evenings of Monday 21st of October and Tuesday 22nd October, however the 2 wider crossings across York Street and Great Patrick Street will be taking place during the evenings of Sunday 27th October and Sunday the 3rd of November. 

Past Photos

News Upload Date: 16th October, 2024

Back In Time

Take a trip down memory lane. Some local historic photos from the local area. 

Junction Works

News Upload Date: 5th October, 2024

Works Update

The Department of Infrastructure road works at Fredrick Street/ York Street has been ongoing for many weeks now. 

As previously reported, the original completion date of mid-September has been delayed due mainly to sewer connection works required and issues with the operation of the existing traffic signals and also that the Contractor is currently having difficulty breaking out the concrete in the carriageway for the new kerb alignment and this is slowing progress. 

The most recent completion date is Friday 18th October.  We shall share more information when we recieve it.

Tactile Paving

News Upload Date: 2nd October, 2024

Watch This YouTube Video.

Tactile Paving

Do you know what Tactical Paving is?

We see tactile paving every day on our streets and crossings but do we really understand what those bumps and colours beneath our feet really mean?

Past News Topics

Our news articles aim to highlight local impact or interest stories to keep the local community, residents and stakeholders updated and informed.  Each month a new link will appear highlighting the latest news articles.  If you have an news item you feel we should feature, please email us with the details to